About Us
Ctech Engineering Consulting Supply and Project Company Based in Mumbai Established In April 2002, Started with the maintenance of electromechanical equipment on ONGC offshore platforms and rigs.
Over the period of the time executed various nature of jobs and now rendering our services in the field of engineering, designing, fabrication, installations, maintenance of electrical and mechanical, instrumentations, safety, fire fighting systems, PAGA, and shut down projects for oil & gas offshore/onshore platforms/Rigs/vessels and in petrochemical sectors.
In the year 2006, we also ventured into trading of OEM business and partnered with international leading manufacturers who are into Oil and gas business and having global presence.
We have two verticals’ projects and trading of equipment for use in harsh and hazardous area applications in oil & gas sectors. Our team consists of qualified, experienced engineers, technicians, and other administrative personnel.
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We Believe
We value the collective efforts, demonstrate integrity in all we do, commit to reliable delivery and we encourage questioning mind. We believe in quality and timely completion of projects.
“Quality is never an incident, it is always the result of high intention, sincere efforts, intelligent direction and skill full execution, and it represents the wise choice of many alternatives”.